Harensesteenweg 232 bus 2.8, 1800 Vilvoorde
Harensesteenweg 232 bus 2.8,
1800 Vilvoorde
Pure on the rocks

SAP on the Rocks

Today's venue is distillery "De Molenberg" in Blaasveld where we tickle all senses by kicking-off with a whisky tour and whisky tasting.

Octavian Filip from IPR Insights continued with a brief introduction on Software Asset Management (SAM), drivers of internal audits and the importance of independent trusted advisors.
We continued for the first time with IPR Insight's SAP subject matter expert - Attila Posta - who gave a high-level overview of SAP licensing pitfalls, followed by a very interactive crossfire of questions and answers with our present customers.

Derrick Struys from Pure Storage focused on optimization of the SAP environments by covering SAP solutions running on Pure Storage, elaborating on how Pure Storage helps to overcome common SAP opertional issues and also takes it a step further on how to create a modern data experience for SAP with Pure Storage.
We top things off with an aperitif and networking dinner at brewery "Het Anker" in Mechelen.

Whiskey Tasting Distillery De Molenberg
Guided Tour Distillery De Molenberg
Wiskey Tasting Distillery De Molenberg_2
Presentation Pure Storage at Distillery De Molenberg
Networking Moment Distillery De Molenberg
Wiskey Tasting Distillery De Molenberg_3
Wiskey Tasting Distillery De Molenberg_4
Coffee and water during break
Wiskey Tasting Distillery De Molenberg_5
Guided Tour Distillery De Molenberg_2
Welcome at SAP on the rocks
Presentation Pure Storage at Distillery De Molenberg_2

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